Facebook plans to integrate WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram.

According to a report by THE NEW YORK TIMES, Mark Zuckerberg plans to integrate WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger.

Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive of Facebook is planning to integrate WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger as reported by The New York Times. While all the three will remain as a stand-alone app. This will allow users to communicate across the platform through the single app.

Facebook said that it is working on the end-to-end message encryption (protects messages from being seen by the third person, only participants in the conversations can see it.) to more messaging products by Facebook.  Facebook also said it wants to build the best messaging experience, fast, reliable, simple and private.

Social media Facebook had acquired Instagram and WhatsApp in April 2012 and February 2014 respectively.

 After the integration, a Facebook user will be able to send messages to someone who has only WhatsApp account. Sharing between the apps will be easier and may not have to switch between WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger.

By integrating these apps Facebook may charge more to advertising and targeted services. While the questions are raising for data privacy and end-to-end encryption after the decision of Zuckerberg's plan to integrate WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger.

Facebook is still in the early stages of uniting its world's top messaging platform, the decision may be withdrawn.

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